Can I Go To University With NCV?

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Can I Go To University With NCV?

Can I Go To University With NCV? TUT NCV Requirements

Can I go to university with an NCV qualification? maybe a question you have if you have an NCV qualification and want to pursue a university degree.

There are three stages in the NCV program: Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4. The highest level, Level 4, is when your NCV studies come to an end. The NCV program includes basic subjects like languages and mathematics even though its main emphasis is on technical and vocational abilities.

What Is an NCV Qualification?

National Certificate Vocational Qualifications is another name for NCV Qualifications. These certifications have been created to offer practical skill sets in a range of in-demand professions in South Africa.

You can enter higher education programs in the same subject areas with an NCV qualification as well.

Can I Attend University With a Level 4 NCV?

You can enroll in college with NC (V) Level 4. NQF level 4 is equivalent to NC (V) level 4, which is the level of a Matric. Depending on how well you performed on the test, you can use this to apply to institutions. TUT NCV Requirements

Be aware that admittance criteria vary by university. Make sure to inquire about any additional or unique entry requirements beyond the four passing levels from the university you intend to apply.

There are different subject requirements and APS criteria for each of the four passing levels. The level at which you can apply to continue your studies is determined by these passing scores.

Is NCV better than matric?

In order to provide practical skill sets in a variety of in-demand professions in South Africa, the National Certificate Vocational Qualifications (NCV) was created. It serves as a substitute option and is equal to the matriculation certificate. NQF Level 2 NCV Qualification: comparable to grade 10

Can I do NCV with matric?

Instead, the students can pursue NCV credentials to obtain a credential that is comparable to matric. AN NCV COURSE APPLICATION: The following prerequisites must be met by you: Passing grades in grades 9, 10, and 11 OR a comparable document (such as an ABET or NQF 1 certificate).


For FET/TVET college students looking to enroll in career-focused university programs in the field of study for which they hold a FET qualification, the admission requirements for NC(V) Level 4 and traditional N qualifications (N3, N4, N5, and N6) create articulation and clear pathways, particularly in scarce skills areas like engineering, information and communication technology (ICT), business/finance, and education.

The programs, which are outlined in this prospectus, are supported by our vision and will empower aspiring students to satisfy societal, commercial, and industrial demands.

Minimum statutory requirements for NC(V) 4 Level students

  • Candidates must meet the minimum statutory requirements for students in possession of an NC(V) 4 qualification, as set out in Government Gazette no. 32743 of 26 November 2006, to be eligible for admission to a higher certificate, diploma, and bachelor’s degree.
  • Candidates must note that, according to Section 37 (i) of the Higher Education Act (Act 101 of 1997), the decision to admit a student to higher education study is the right and responsibility of the higher education institution concerned. This implies that individual institutions may set additional admission requirements for specific programs.

List of NCV Courses

Here are a few NCV Courses that you can choose from:

  •  Finance, Economics, and Accounting.
  • Marketing.
  •  Management.
  •  Office Administration.
  • Information Technology and Computer Science.
  •  Civil Engineering.
  •  Electrical Infrastructure Construction.
  • Engineering and Related Design.
  • Education and Development.
  •  Hospitality.
  • Primary Agriculture.
  •  Tourism.

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