Can I Study At UJ With APS 18

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Can I Study At UJ With 18 Points

What can I study at Unisa with 18 APS, Can I Study At UJ With APS 18

Every student wants to attend a prestigious university in order to advance their studies. If you have your eye on the University of Johannesburg (UJ) but are worried that you won’t meet the admissions requirements, this guide will help you understand your possibilities. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll look at whether you can get into UJ with 18 points and outline your possibilities for achieving your objective.

Will APS 18 Allow Me To Attend The University Of Johannesburg To Study?

YES. The University of Johannesburg offers undergraduate and higher certificate programmes that students can apply for and gain admission with just APS 18.

University of Johannesburg 18 Points Undergraduate Courses

with APS 18 students can study any of the following;

Diploma in Sport Management (D9S01Q)

  • 3-Year Program
  • NQF level 6

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Diploma in Sport Management  Minimum Entry Requirements

Minimum APS Score: 18 in Mathematics and 19 in Mathematical Literacy. Life Orientation is excluded when calculating the APS score. The 6 highest subjects are used for calculating the APS score.

  • English (compulsory): 3
  • Mathematics: 3
  • Mathematical Literacy: 4
  • Additional subject 1: 3
  • Additional subject 2: 3
  • Additional subject 3: 3
  • Additional subject 4: 3
  • Curriculum

Year 1

  • Marketing
  • Business Management
  • English
  • Sport Management

Year 2

  • Marketing
  • Business Management
  • Sport Management
  • Public Relations
  • End-user Computing

Year 3

  • Business Management
  • Sport and Physical Recreation
  • Sport Management

University of Johannesburg 18 Points Certificate Courses

Higher Certificate in Sports Administration (F9SA1Q)

  1. Full-time: Minimum 1 year and Maximum 2 years
  2. NQF Level of 5
  3. 120 Credits

Minimum Entry Requirements Certificate Programs At UJ:

  1.  National certificate endorsement
  2.  Proficiency in English.
  3.  English is on a minimum level 3
  4.  Has three additional subjects at a minimum level 3
  5.  The student has a minimum APS of 18
  6.  Mathematics literacy will be accepted on a level 3 if minimum requirements are met
  7.  Mathematics will be accepted on a level 2 if minimum requirements are met
  8.  A subject on level 2 will be accepted depending on the subject and if the minimum requirements are met. This is left to the discretion of the Department
  9.  No student will be accepted if a subject has level 1
  10. Minimum APS Score 18

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A student’s application must be supported by a National Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or an equivalent diploma, as well as relevant job experience in the sports industry, as determined by the RPL Committee and in accordance with the University’s RPL policy. Life Orientation is not taken into account while calculating the APS score.

Programs Use To Determine APS Score

The following six subjects are used to determine APS scores:

  • English (compulsory): 3
  • Mathematics: 2
  • Mathematical Literacy: 3
  • Additional subject 1: 3
  • Additional subject 2: 3
  • Additional subject 3: 3
  • Additional subject 4: 3
  • Curriculum


Module Name Module code

Semester One

  • Communication and Computer Literacy: CCLSAA1
  • Human Resource Administration in a Sports Club: HRASAA1
  • Introduction to Sport Marketing and Administration: IMASAA1
  • Principles and Administration of Coaching: PACSAA1
  • Self-Management and Personal Skills Development: SMDSAA1

Semester Two

  • First Aid Level 1: FALSAB1
  • Financial Administration in Sport: FASSAB1
  • Introduction to Sport Law: ISLSAB1
  • People with Disability in Sport: PDSSAB1
  • Sports Leadership and Ethics: SLESAB1

Year Modules

  • Facility, Competition and Event Administration: FCESAY1
  • Sport and Club Administration: SCASAY1
  • Work integrated learning (WIL): WILSA

UJ Contact

Keep in mind that education is a trip with many possible routes; your tenacity and dedication may help you find doors leading to a better future. You can find yourself studying at UJ sooner than you expect if you stay focused and start looking into your possibilities.

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