Matric questions

Can You Have Tattoos In The Army?

Can You Have Tattoos In The Army?

Can You Have Tattoos In The Army?: Will tattoos disqualify me from the Army?

Tattoos have long been seen as a way to express one’s personality and identity and frequently carry important personal implications. The issue of tattoo acceptance, however, becomes important to anyone thinking about a future in the South African Army. This article will explain the nuances of the South African Army’s tattoo restrictions, examining the laws that have been put in place and how tattoos affect military service.

Learning the policy on tattoos within the South African Army is of the utmost importance for anyone wishing to serve their country while enjoying their individual tattooed art, whether they are prospective recruits, existing soldiers, or those who are just interested in the restrictions. Will tattoos disqualify me from the Army?

ALSO READ: Are Tattoos Allowed In The Army In South Africa?

The Army Rules and Regulations Concerning Tattoos 

  • Basically, any tattoos on the body that are visible are forbidden in the South African Army policies. One ring tattoo per hand, placed where a real ring would be, is the lone exception. Cosmetic Soldier tattoos must be modest and only permitted on females. Leg tattoos must be two inches below or above the knee.
  • Tattoos that portray harsh activities, sex acts, or illicit substances, for example, are considered vulgar or obscene and should be avoided. The back of the neck and the hand may now both have tattoos. However, out of respect, the majority of troops leave their saluting hand untarnished. Face and head tattoos are not acceptable

Qualifications for Army in South Africa

These are the requirements for qualifying for the army in South Africa:

  • No dual citizenship be a South African citizen only
  • Grade 12 Applicants must be between the ages of 18-22 years
  • Graduates and/or other Tertiary Qualification up to the age of 25 years
  • Successfully completed Grade 12 (preferable with university entrance)
  • Leadership potential
  • Have no criminal offence record or pending cases
  • Comply with medical fitness requirements for appointment in the SANDF
  • Be prepared to serve in uniform, undergo Basic Military and Functional Training

If any inquiries visit the Army’s official website in South Africa


Marshia Williams

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