Hospitality Colleges In Johannesburg Fees
Hospitality Colleges In Johannesburg Fees
Do you want to know the cost associated with the hospitality programs in Johannesburg? Potential students should be aware of the costs associated with attending a hospitality college in Johannesburg before enrolling. Several programs that the hospitality industry offers may have varied costs. The level and duration of the program may also have an impact on the tuition price.
In the case of hospitality management, a short-term certificate or diploma program could be less costly than a longer-term bachelor’s degree program. Choosing a course term should be based on the prospective student’s financial situation and career goals. Below is the breakdown of hospitality fees in Johannesburg South Africa.
Typical Hospitality Fees in Johannesburg
The cost of studying hospitality in South Africa typically ranges from R20 500 to R96 000 a year, depending on the length of the course and the degree awarded upon successful completion. You can apply for student financing to assist in paying for tuition, housing, and other expenses if an institution does not give enough bursaries to cover these costs.
Hospitality Admission Requirements
- A Hospitality NC(V) L4 Certificate; or a
- National Introductory Certificate: N4 Food Services; or an
- Equivalent NQF level 4 occupation qualification; or an
- APS score of 24, using double the English, and the four (4) next best subjects of NSC/NC(V)
How long does studying hospitality take
Full-time hospitality programs typically last a minimum of three years and typically combine 18 months of theory instruction with 18 months of practical training.
In all facets of the hotel business, this will give students the academic understanding and practical skills they need to hold managerial and supervisory positions.
Hospitality Colleges In Johannesburg Courses
- Catering Theory & Practical
- Nutrition & Menu Planning
- Sanitation & Housekeeping
- Applied Management
- Catering Theory & Practical
- Food & Beverage Services
- Entrepreneurship & Business Management
- Applied Management
- Catering Theory & Practical
- Communication & Human Relations
- Introductory Computer Practice
- Applied Management
Hospitality Colleges In Johannesburg Fees
Hospitality Career Opportunities
- Housekeeping;
- Food and Beverage Management;
- Hotel Management;
- Accommodation Services;
- Events Management,
- Assistant cook/chef, waitron,
Hope this information was helpful, so if you have any questions kindly leave your comment in the section below.