How Long Does It Take To Become A Draughtsman In South Africa

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How Long Does It Take To Become A Draughtsman In South Africa

How Long Does It Take To Become A Draughtsman In South Africa

A Guide to Becoming a Draughtsman in South Africa: Timeframe and Requirements:

In South Africa, the field of architectural and engineering design has undergone tremendous change, and there is an increasing need for experts who can produce technical drawings and blueprints. A draughtsman is one such occupation. It’s important to comprehend the educational and training course, as well as the period involved if you’re thinking about a profession in this field.

Understanding the job and its responsibilities thoroughly is essential before starting a career as a draughtsman in South Africa. Making technical plans and drawings for use in the manufacturing and construction sectors is the responsibility of a draughtsman. In order to transform their concepts and designs into detailed drawings, they collaborate closely with engineers, architects, and other experts.

A draughtsman, often called a draftsperson or draughtsman, is in charge of turning conceptual designs and rough sketches into accurate plans and drawings. Architects, engineers, and construction specialists use these technical drawings to make projects a reality. A draughtsman is essential to industries in South Africa, including manufacturing, civil engineering, and architecture.

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Educational Path To Becoming A Draughtsman

Below is the educational path a student can pass through to become a draughtsman in South Africa:


  • To start, aspiring draughtsmen need to have passed their Matric, with subjects like Mathematics and Physical Science being highly recommended due to the technical nature of the job.

Tertiary Education:

  • After Matric, one can enrol in a draughting certificate or diploma program. Institutions like TVET colleges and some universities in South Africa offer courses tailored for aspiring draughtsmen. Typically, these programs can last anywhere from one to three years, depending on the institution and course level.

Specialized Courses:

  • Apart from foundational courses, one might consider specialized draughting programs. These courses often focus on specific industries, such as architectural draughting or mechanical draughting. Some courses even delve into software training, like AutoCAD or Revit, essential tools in modern draughting.

Practical Experience & Training

  • While academic credentials are fundamental, hands-on experience is invaluable. Many employers in South Africa look for draughtsmen who’ve completed internships or apprenticeships, which can range from several months to two years. Gaining this practical experience not only enhances skills but also aids in establishing professional networks.

Professional Registration

  • In South Africa, draughtsmen can consider registering with recognized bodies such as the Draughting Academy of South Africa (DASA) or the South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP). Registration might require additional exams and can further validate one’s expertise in the field.

How Long Does It Take To Become A Draughtsman In South Africa

  • To qualified high school graduates, it offers full-time, part-time, and full-time education programmes and 1-3 year tertiary education programmes for school leavers.
  • A college degree is often earned by drafters over the course of two to four years, and while it is not required, having one can assist them in obtaining some training prior to beginning employment. People often ponder why drafters and architects differ so greatly.

How Much Does A Draughtsman Earn In South Africa

  • Technical draughtsman salaries in South Africa typically range between 240,000 and 123,000 per year.
  • A middle-income earner earns up to R 29 046 675 per year,
  • A top-tier earner makes R 2 418 660 annually.

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Where Can I Study Draughtsman In South Africa

  • There is a TVET college in South Africa called the Academy of Draughting that offers courses on fraud avoidance and fraud detection.
  • For those interested in obtaining the certificate in Constriction and Demolition at Rosebank College, class options include both theory and practical aspects.
  • CAD (computer-aided designing) course provided by IDT is part of its training offerings.

In South Africa, becoming a draughtsman normally entails a three- to five-year formal education, several months to two years of practical practice, and maybe professional registration. It may therefore take up to five years or longer to obtain a well-rounded and recognised status, even though one can begin the field in just a few years following matriculation. Vit the official Website of your desired college or University for more details.

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