Is 40 Percent A Pass

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Is 40 Percent A Pass

Is 40 Percent A Pass; Well there are many people who think that passing matric requires just 40% of the class. It isn’t completely correct. However, you must receive at least 40% plus in each of your studies in order to pass matric. A student is considered to have failed if they are unable to complete the National Senior Certificate requirements. They will then have to retake their subjects if they need a passing grade for matriculation. They will then need to get the required minimum scores. more on this are as follows;

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South Africa Grade System

It is compulsory to achieve at least 40% for your home language to attain one of the certifications that grant you access to a higher learning institution. Attaining less than 40% is regarded as a failure.

The percentages are therefore calibrated as follows;

  • a first-class pass is given for 75% and above,
  • a second (division one) for 70–74%,
  • a second (division two) for 60%–69%, and
  • a third for 50%–59%.
  • A failure is any percentage below 40%.

The National Senior Certificate Minimum Requirement

  • 40% minimum for your home language
  • 40% for another 2 subjects
  • You can fail a subject – even your first additional language
  • You must then get 30% or more for the other 6 making a total of 6 passes

A Higher Certificate Minimum Requirement

  • 40% in their Home Language.
  • At least 40% in two other subjects.
  • A minimum of 30% for three other subjects.
  • One of the two language requirements to qualify for a Higher Certificate. Thus, either English or Afrikaans.

The Diploma Certification Minimum Requirement

  • 40% in their Home Language.
  • 40% for three other High Credit subjects (other than home language).
  • 30% for two other subjects.
  • A final total APS score of 19

Bachelor’s Degree / Exemption Minimum Requirement

  • 40% for your Home Language.
  • A minimum of 50% for four other High Credit subjects.
  • At least 30% for two other subjects.

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7 NSC Levels and Achievement Ratings: 

  • Level 7: 80 – 100% (Outstanding achievement)
  • Level 6: 70 – 79% (Meritorious achievement)
  • Level 5: 60 – 69% (Substantial achievement)
  • Level 4: 50 – 59% (Moderate achievement)
  • Level 3: 40 – 49% (Adequate achievement)
  • Level 2: 30 – 39% (Elementary achievement)
  • Level 1: 0 – 29% (Not achieved – Fail)

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