Is C A Failing Grade

In the realm of education, grades serve as essential indicators of a student’s performance and comprehension. Each letter grade, from A to F, holds significant weight, influencing a student’s academic trajectory and self-esteem. The question that looms large in educational circles is: Is ‘C’ a failing grade? This inquiry delves into the complex nuances of grading systems, and provides you with various grade systems that the South African education system holds;

What Is A Maths Pass Mark In South Africa

There is no set maths grade for matric. But your degree must be with honours. This indicates a grade of at least 50% or higher. You will have a good chance of being admitted into a university if you receive this many points for each course.

Some colleges have extremely high math requirements. The minimal score requirements for the university you want to attend must be looked into. Universities generally expect a grade between 60 and 70%. If you want to be admitted, make sure to put a lot of work into your studies to achieve this score.

READ ALSO; What Is The Symbol C In Matric

South Africa Grading System

Below is a list of South Africa’s many grading systems;

Higher Education

Grade Scale Grade Description Division US Grade
75.00 – 100.00 First Class A
70.00 – 74.99 Second Class Division One B+
60.00 – 69.99 Second Class Division Two B
50.00 – 59.99 Third Class C
P Pass S
0.00 – 49.99 Fail F


Secondary Pre-2008

Grade Scale US Grade
A 80.00 – 100.00 A
B 70.00 – 79.99 B+
C 60.00 – 69.99 B
D 50.00 – 59.99 C
E 40.00 – 49.99 D
F 35.00 – 39.99 F
FF 30.00 – 34.99 F
G 20.00 – 29.99 F
H 10.00 – 19.99 F
I 0.00 – 9.99 F


Secondary Post-2008

Grade Scale US Grade Notes
7 80.00 – 100.00 A
6 70.00 – 79.99 B+
5 60.00 – 69.99 B
4 50.00 – 59.99 C
3 40.00 – 49.99 D If a National Senior Certificate is Awarded, one grade below 30 or 40 is allowed and considered equivalent to a D
2 30.00 – 39.00 F
1 20.00 – 29.99 F


International Baccalaureate Diploma

Scale US Grade
6.00 – 7.00 A
5.00 – 5.99 B
3.00 – 4.99 C
1.00 – 2.99 D
0.00 – 0.99 F


Helderberg College

Grade Scale US Grade
A 80.00 – 100.00 A
A- 75.00 – 79.99 A-
B+ 70.00 – 74.99 B+
B 65.00 – 69.99 B
B- 60.00 – 64.99 B-
C+ 55.00 – 59.99 C+
C 50.00 – 54.99 C
C- 46.00 – 49.99 C-
D 40.00 – 45.99 D
F 0.00 – 39.99 F


READ ALSO; How many Times Can You Repeat A Grade In South Africa

South Africa Grade Year

below are ages and grades that student has to be in;

Ages                                            Grade Level.       

                                                  Foundation Phase
5–6                                                 Grade R
6–7                                                 Grade 1
7–8 ……………………………………….Grade 2
8–9 ……………………………………….Grade 3

Intermediate Phase

9–10……………………………………… Grade 4
10–11…………………………………….. Grade 5
11–12……………………………………… Grade 6

Senior Phase (Lower Secondary)

12–13…………………………………….. Grade 7
13–14…………………………………….. Grade 8
14–15…………………………………….. Grade 9

Further Education and Training Phase (Upper Secondary)

15–16…………………………………….. Grade 10
16–17 ……………………………………..Grade 11
17–18…………………………………….. Grade 12 (Matric)


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