Matric questions

Is Distinction A Good Grade

Is Distinction A Good Grade

Is it good to pass with distinction, Is Distinction A Good Grade

The pursuit of academic excellence has always been an important aspect of education. Students work hard to achieve high grades, with the ultimate goal of securing a bright future. One common question that arises in this context is whether achieving a distinction is truly worth the effort. we will delve into the concept of distinctions, various distinction points and many more.

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Various Distinctions in Points

There are seven (7) ways to differentiate one subject from another. The table below illustrates how seven (7) points are needed to pass with distinction:

Percentage of marks received

Type of Achievement

APS Points

80-100% (Distinction)

Outstanding Achievement

7 points


Meritorious Achievement

6 points


Substantial Achievement

5 points


Adequate Achievement

4 points


Moderate Achievement

3 points


Elementary Achievement

2 points


Not achieved

1 point


How Do You Get Distinctions?

Being dedicated to your academic effort will earn you distinctions. This requires putting in extra effort on your schoolwork. If a typical student gets a 60% grade, it’s critical to get a higher grade if you want to be great. In this instance, a passing grade with distinction is 80% or higher.

You can distinguish yourself by carrying out the following:

  • Study
  • Understand
  • Practise
  • Engage
  • Ask
  • Write

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Advantages of Earning a Distinction

Earning a distinction is very good and comes with the following advantages;

  • Enhanced Career Opportunities: Many employers and prestigious institutions value candidates with outstanding academic records. A distinction sets you apart from the competition, opening doors to various career opportunities.
  • Scholarship and Grant Opportunities: Exceptional students are often eligible for scholarships and grants, which can significantly ease the financial burden of higher education.
  • Personal Fulfillment: Achieving a distinction is a testament to your hard work and intelligence, boosting your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Higher Education Prospects: For those considering further studies, a distinction can be a ticket to reputable universities and advanced programs, paving the way for a successful career in academia or research.
  • Recognition and Respect: Distinction holders are respected in academic circles and the professional world, garnering recognition for their dedication and expertise.

a distinction is undoubtedly a good grade, bringing forth a multitude of benefits such as enhanced career prospects, financial opportunities, and personal fulfilment.


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