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Is Hospitality Funded By Nsfas?

Is Hospitality Funded By Nsfas?

Is Hospitality Funded By Nsfas?

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The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a rescue for many South African students who want to pursue higher education. But does NSFAS support courses in hospitality?

The National Certificate (Vocational) and National N-Diploma programs, including those in hospitality and tourism, offered by TVET colleges are used to get support from NSFAS.

In particular, at the undergraduate level, NSFAS may also provide financial aid for degrees in hospitality management and similar fields at institutions. Programs leading to a bachelor’s degree in tourism or hotel management may be eligible for NSFAS financing. Nsfas Login

What is The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)?

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (Act No. 56 of 1999), which formed NSFAS, was passed. The three clearly defined components that make up the mission statement explain why NSFAS exists and how it affects the clients it serves:

  • NSFAS exists to provide financial aid to eligible students at public TVET colleges and public universities
  • NSFAS identifies eligible students, provides bursaries, and collects past student loan repayments to replenish the funds available for future generations of students
  • NSFAS supports access to, and success in, higher education and training for students from poor and working-class families who would otherwise not be able to afford to study

NSFAS funds Ministerial programs and students must refer to each college, however, the generally funded programs are below:

  • Engineering Studies – (National Certificate -Vocational) NQF levels 2-4 & Engineering studies – Report 191 N1-N6
  • Engineering and Related Design; Electrical Infrastructure; Civil Engineering Construction and Information Technology & Computer Science
  • Business & Utility Studies (National Certificate – Vocational) NQF levels 2-4 & Report 191 N1-N6
  • Management; Marketing; Finance; Office Administration; Economics & Accounting; Education & Development; Hospitality; Tourism; Safety in Society and Transport & Logistics
  • Pre-Learning Programme (PLP) funding through NSFAS

Qualification criteria needed to apply NSFAS

  • Only South African citizens are eligible for this bursary scheme;
  • A student must be registered or intending to register on a PLP, NC(V), or Report 191 program at any of the fifty (50) public TVET Colleges in South Africa;
  • Must be in need of financial assistance (NSFAS will determine whether or not a student meets the financial eligibility criteria);
  • Returning students must demonstrate proven and accepted academic performance (academically deserving) in line with the College’s progression policy or the progression prescriptions of the Bursary Rules and Guidelines (whichever is higher);
  • Must not be enrolling for a qualification that duplicates previous learning that was state-funded; and
  • Applicants will qualify if they fall within the maximum threshold of up to R350,000 of combined gross family income per annum and are admitted/received a firm offer for enrolment in a College.

What does the bursary cover?

  • Tuition
  • Incidental/Personal care allowance
  • Transport (students who reside between 0 – 9.9 km qualify for a transport allowance)
  • Accommodation (only for students whose home address is 10km or more from their registered campus)
  • Accommodation in an urban area
  • Accommodation in a peri-urban area
  • Accommodation in a rural area
  • Registration

How to apply for Nsfas

National Certificate Vocation (NC(v)), Semester 1 and Trimester 1 – Annual – online application and walk-in assistive capture application at the beginning of each year

Trimesters 2 & 3 as per the DHET calendar, in May and September respectively, as Walk-in assistive capture application

Semester 2 June – July walk-in, assistive capture application

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You can apply through:

  • TVET college bursary offices
  • Online
  • NSFAS head office

Contact Details

Facebook: National Student Financial Aid Scheme
Twitter: @myNSFAS
Instagram: @myNSFAS
WhatsApp: +27 78 519 8006



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