SWGC Online Application Status

SWGC Online Application Status;

Are you a prospective applicant who desires to study with South West Gauteng College in the 2024 academic year but wants to know more about the online application status? Or do you want to know what the online application is all about at South West Gauteng College? The status of your application for a study opportunity is currently pending. Your status will modify as your admission request moves through the process.

But it can be difficult to figure out what each state means and how to continue. Using this guide, you may find out everything about the South West Gauteng TVET College (SWGC) admission request status. Below are the features of the application status at SWGC.

SWGC Online Application Status Features;

South West Gauteng College’s online application status consists of the following features;

Pending Review: When your application status indicates that you are pending review, it means the school has received your application. The admission request must be considered before determining which papers, if any, are required to finish the application. Until admission is decided, the application’s status will remain Pending Review; applicants can check back for updates.

Required Action: This means that part of your admission request is lacking, therefore applicants should visit the website of the school for more updates on unresolved issues.

Complete: this means that all necessary documents needed to complete the application have been received.

Admitted: This means applicants have been accepted into a given program. some admission offers may come with additional requirements attached.

Provisional Admission: This signals the fulfilment of faculty-specific criteria and admittance into the program. You must submit any unfinished To-Do List items for this program and follow any further instructions provided by your professors.

Cleared Provisional Admission: This demonstrates that all criteria for admission relating to the faculty have been met. Final Admission into the desired program is now guaranteed.

Ineligible: This demonstrates that the entrance to the requested program has been denied. The prerequisite requirements for admission consideration have not been met.

Quota Filled: This demonstrates that the entrance to the requested program has been denied. Even if the applicant may have met the program’s minimum admission requirements, the application was not competitive.

Cancelled: This proves the admission request has been withdrawn.

South West Gauteng Tvet College Courses;

These are the courses offered at South West Gauteng Tvet College which help their students in their career path and work stations;

Business Studies NC(V) LEVEL 2-4

  • Finance, Economics And Accounting NC(V) Levels 2 – 4
  • Management NC(V)Levels 2 – 4
  • Marketing NC(V)Levels 2 – 4
  • Office Administration NC (V) Level 2 – 4

Engineering Studies NC(V) LEVEL 2-4

  • Civil Engineering And Building Construction NC (V) Level 2-4
  • Electrical Infrastructure Construction NC (V) Level 2-4
  • Engineering And Related Design NC (V) Level 2-4

Utility Studies NC(V) LEVEL 2-4

  • Education And Development NC (V) Level 2-4
  • Hospitality NC (V) Level 2-4
  • Information Technology And Computer Science (ITC) NC (V) Level 2-4
  • Transport And Logistics NC (V) Level 2-4
  • Primary Agriculture NC(V) Level 2-4
  • Primary Health NC(V) Level 2-4
  • Safety In Society NC (V) Level 2-4
  • Tourism NC (V) Level 2-4

Report 191/ Nated N1 – N6

  • Business Studies N4-N6
  • Engineering Studies N1-N6
  • Utility Studies N4-N6

Learnership Programs- On Demands

Skill Programs-On Demands


SWGC Contact Details;

You can contact the school using the following method or by visiting their official website for more assistance and support.


Physical Address
1822 A Molele Street
C/O Koma Road And Molele Street
Molapo, Soweto

TEL: 086 176 8849
TEL: 011 527 8300 / 010 140 7942
FAX: 011 984 1262.

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