Tag Archives: how to join the army without matric

What Subject Is Best For The Army?

What Subject Is Best For the Army? What Subject Is Best For the Army?: What subjects are needed to become an army? The decision-making process of what to study in the military is essential and has long-term effects on a soldier’s career. Choosing a career path that fits your interests, talents, and the changing demands of the military… Read More »

Are Tattoos Allowed In The Army In South Africa?

Are Tattoos Allowed In The Army In South Africa? Are Tattoos Allowed In The Army In South Africa? : Can you join the SA Army with tattoos? Tattoos have always been a means of self-expression, but when it comes to serving in the military, rules and restrictions frequently determine whether soldiers may proudly show their inked artwork. The… Read More »

What Qualifications Do You Need For The Army?

What Qualifications Do You Need For The Army? What Qualifications Do You Need For The Army?: What qualifications do you need to be in the SA Army? The South African Army is a powerful institution dedicated to maintaining international peace and defending national security. You might be wondering what qualifications are needed to start this noble path if… Read More »