What Are Three Scarce Skills Jobs?

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What Are Three Scarce Skills Jobs?

What Are Three Scarce Skills Jobs?: What are the scarce skills jobs?

Specific abilities are like rare jewels in the always-changing job market; they are in high demand yet difficult to come by. These are the essential abilities that both job seekers and companies wish to acquire. This post will review three of these careers with highly valued skills that also have the potential to drastically improve your career chances.

Recognising these uncommon skill sets can be the key to unlocking new and profitable possibilities in today’s competitive job market, whether you are an experienced professional trying to pivot your career or a recent graduate considering your specialisation.

What is the meaning of scarce skills?

When a profession has a shortage of qualified and experienced workers, either now or in the future, it means that either such workers are not available or those who are, but do not fulfil the requirements for employment.

Which Career Is Scarce In South Africa?

Rare Skills Jobs 

Here are some of the scarce skills jobs in SA:

  • Financial Analysis and Risk Management.
  • Arts and Media.
  • Business and Management.
  • Design.
  • Engineering.
  • Information Technology.
  • Cybersecurity.
  • Renewable Energy and Green Technologies.
  • Healthcare and Medical Sciences.
  • Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical)
  • Project Management.
  • Sales and Marketing.

What are the causes of scarce skills in South Africa?

There are a few causes that result in scarce skills in SA and they include:

  • People with the necessary skills might decide to work abroad: Many South Africans leave the country in search of better job prospects overseas.
  • Problems with meeting employment criteria: A lot of people have the skills and idea about what the company does but do not meet the job’s requirements or criteria to be employed.
  • Education can tend to be expensive: A smaller segment of the population has the privilege of accessing education.
  • Low-paying salaries: Some companies compensate their workers with low salaries, therefore the individual chooses not to work so hard and earn a low salary. and decides to stay unemployed.

Benefits Scarce Skills to the Individual 

  • Individuals with scarce skills may be able to find and secure a job more easily as employers look for individuals with specific knowledge
  • Many people with scarce skills may find that they get job offers from more than one employer
  • People with scarce skills may get paid more as they receive a higher salary package
  • The job prospects for individuals with scarce skills may look more promising
  • People with scarce skills may be selected first for admission into an educational institution

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