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What Careers Are No Longer In-demand In South Africa?

What Careers Are No Longer In-demand In South Africa?

What Careers Are No Longer In-demand In South Africa?: What jobs are in shortage in South Africa?

It’s essential to remain up to date on the professions that are no longer in demand as South Africa’s dynamic labour market continues to change. For both job searchers and students deciding on their course of study and profession, it is essential to comprehend the shifting nature of the South African labour market. The careers with decreasing demand will be covered in this content, along with the underlying reasons for these changes.

You may make educated decisions about your career and make sure you remain competitive in the employment market of today by keeping updated on these developments. What jobs are in shortage in South Africa?

Careers That Are No Longer Needed

These are some careers that are no longer needed in South Africa:

  • Textile Workers: With the decline of the textile and garment industry in South Africa due to factors like cheaper imports and automation, the demand for traditional textile workers has been decreasing.
  • Word Processor: Perhaps at a period, typing was a very popular and accessible office job. The need for hiring live, breathing typists has been eliminated by word processing software.
  • Travel Agent: With the help of websites like Expedia and Travelocity, planning a vacation is now as simple as sending a few Tweets.
  • Librarian: As e-books become more popular, more individuals are replacing their physical books with iPad and Smartphone downloads.

Read Also: Which Job Is Highly Demanded In South Africa?

  • Telemarketers: Changes in consumer preferences and stricter regulations on telemarketing practices have reduced the demand for telemarketing jobs.
  • Print Journalists: The decline in print media, coupled with the rise of digital media, has led to a reduced demand for traditional print journalists.
  • Data Entry Clerks: Many data entry tasks have become automated or outsourced, reducing the need for manual data entry clerks.
  • Bank Tellers: With the growth of online and mobile banking services, the demand for traditional bank tellers was diminishing.

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Marshia Williams

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