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What Do Primary Health Do?

What Do Primary Health Do?

What Do Primary Health Do? What can I do with a primary health certificate?

Primary healthcare providers are the cornerstone of our healthcare system, serving as the first point of contact for individuals seeking medical care. They play a critical role in promoting overall well-being, preventing diseases, and managing various health conditions.

All people, everywhere, have the right to achieve the highest attainable level of health. This is the fundamental premise of health care (PHC). health care enables health systems to support a person’s health needs – from health promotion to disease prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, palliative care and more. This strategy also ensures that health care is delivered in a way that is centred on people’s needs and respects their preferences. health care is widely regarded as the most inclusive, equitable and cost-effective way to achieve universal health coverage. It is also key to strengthening the resilience of health systems to prepare for, respond to and recover from shocks and crises.

***Primary health care is a whole-of-society approach to effectively organise and strengthen national health systems to bring services for health and wellbeing closer to communities. It has 3 components:

  • Integrated health services to meet people’s health needs throughout their lives
  • Addressing the broader determinants of health through multisectoral policy and action
  • Empowering individuals, families and communities to take charge of their own health.

What Do Primary Health Do? What can I do with a primary health certificate?

  • Preventive Care and Health Promotion
  • Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Routine Checkups and Physical Exams
  • Prescription Medications and Referrals
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Health Counseling and Education
  • Immunizations and Preventive Screenings
  • Mental Health Support
  • Emergency Care
  • Coordination of Care

Primary healthcare providers are essential healthcare professionals who provide a broad spectrum of services, from preventive care and health education to diagnosing and managing health conditions. Their focus on early intervention and preventive measures contributes to better health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs. By offering comprehensive care and serving as advocates for their patients, primary healthcare providers play a pivotal role in promoting the health and well-being of individuals and communities alike. Please share your comments if this article helped you.


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