Matric questions

What Does 999 Mean In Matric Results

What Does 999 Mean In Matric Results

What is the highest matric pass, What Does 999 Mean In Matric Results

A student may have an interesting educational experience when they understand the importance of the numbers on their matric results. Among these, the number “999” stands out as having unique significance and regularly drawing attention. What does it stand for? Is it a cause for joy or concern? This article will examine the significance of the number “999” on your matric results and what it means to students and their families.

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How to Read My Matric Results Statements’ Codes

Your matriculation statement of results may contain any of the following symbols and codes. :

Bachelor’s Degree Pass B
Diploma Pass D
Higher Certificate Pass H
Not Achieved Does not qualify for NSC / SC(A)
NSC/BACH A National Senior Certificate qualifies for studying for a Bachelor’s Degree
NSC/DIP National Senior Certificate, qualifies towards studying for a Diploma
NSC/HC National Senior Certificate, qualifies towards studying a Higher Certificate
NSC Achieved the National Senior Certificate only
NSC/LSEN National Senior Certificate, a learner with special educational needs
999 Absent
888 Subject change
777 Outstanding mark
zz Ending (irregularity)
px Null and void (irregularity)
mo Marks outstanding


READ ALSO; What Four Subjects Are Compulsory In Matric

Matric Compulsory Programs To Help Your APS

Matric subjects are divided into the following:

  • Compulsory subjects
  • Elective subjects
  • Compulsory

Here are the compulsory subjects:

Home Language – To choose from the following official South African Languages:

  • Sesotho
  • Setswana
  • Siswati
  • Tshivenda
  • Xitsonga
  • Afrikaans
  • English
  • IsiNdebele
  • IsiXhosa
  • IsiZulu
  • Sepedi

First Additional Language – To choose from the following official South African Languages:

  • Sesotho
  • Setswana
  • Siswati
  • Tshivenda
  • Xitsonga
  • Afrikaans
  • English
  • IsiNdebele
  • IsiXhosa
  • IsiZulu
  • Sepedi
  • Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy
  • Life Orientation
  • Elective – Non-Languages

Here are the elective Non-Languages Matric Subjects:

  • Business Studies
  • Consumer Studies
  • Dramatic Arts
  • Information Technology
  • Life Sciences
  • Accounting
  • Agricultural Science
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics Literacy
  • Music
  • Physical Sciences
  • Religion Studies
  • Visual Arts
  • Economics
  • Engineering graphics and design
  • Geography

Remember, your dedication and passion are the keys to unlocking a bright and successful future. thanks for reading;


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