Matric questions

What Does H Mean In Matric Results

What Does H Mean In Matric Results

What is the highest matric pass; What Does H Mean In Matric Results

When it comes to understanding matric results, the grading system can often be a source of confusion. One of the aspects that students and parents frequently encounter is the symbol “H” in matric results. What does this “H” stand for, and how does it impact a student’s academic journey? In this insightful guide, we will delve into the meaning behind the “H” in matric results, and a better understanding of what this letter signifies. Join us as we explain the meaning of “H” and explore its relevance in the context of matric results.

What Does The Matric Results’ symbol H Mean

Even though the letter “H” stands for Higher Certificate Pass, it doesn’t mean you are ineligible for higher study. You only get a score if:

  • Minimum 40% in three disciplines, one of which must be a home language.
  • 30% minimum in three other subjects.
  • One subject was failed (below 30%). It need not be your native tongue or first additional language.

Even if you received all As in your other subjects, a failure in one subject automatically qualifies you for a Higher Certificate pass. With this academic performance, a person has three options:

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What Percentage Is A Distinction In Matric

To score a distinction in Matric, you must score between 80 – 100%. The marks you obtain in Matric are described as follows:

80 – 100 Distinction/Outstanding
70 – 79 Meritorious
60 – 69 Substantial
50 – 59 Moderate
40 – 49 Adequate
30 – 39 Elementary
0 – 29 Not achieved


Matric Result Symbols

A+ 80 – 100
A 70 – 79
B 60 – 69
C 50 – 59
D 40 – 49
E 30 – 39
F 0 – 29


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What Does HG And SG Mean

In the past, these terms—HG for Higher Grade and SG for Standard Grade—referred to the level at which particular topics were assigned in Matric. For instance, an Afrikaans-speaking student may be given the option of pursuing English as a First Language (Higher Grade) or as a Second Language (Standard Grade) at an Afrikaans-speaking school. The topics with higher grades are now frequently referred to as high-credit subjects.

Students are required to pursue a specific amount of Higher Grade/Credit subjects in order to be eligible for university education.

we hope to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of what this letter signifies and why it is crucial for anyone navigating the intricate world of education.


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