What Is An APS Score

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What Is An APS Score

For South African students aspiring to pursue higher education, understanding the Academic Performance Score (APS) is crucial. The APS system, unique to South Africa, plays a pivotal role in university admissions.  A student’s ability to enter a university or college is determined by their Admission Point Score (APS), which is based on their Matric grades. The scores are divided into percentage groups, each of which contains a set of points. Once you are aware of your point totals for each topic, you can add them all up to determine your APS. we will delve into the details of APS scores, explaining what they are and how they influence your university prospects;

What APS Score Mean

The Admission Point Score (APS), which is based on your Matric grades, is used to decide whether students can enter a university or college. Each percentage bracket has a certain number of points, and the marks are divided into brackets. You can calculate your APS by adding the points you have for each topic after you know how many you have overall.

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What Subjects Contribute To My APS

The minimum number of subjects you must take for high school is seven, but keep in mind that Life Orientation does not count towards your APS score. There are six topics that do.
Your APS score will be comprised of three required subjects:

  1. Home Language (Afrikaans, English, IsiNdebele, IsiXhosa, IsiZulu, Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, Siswati, Tshivenda, Xitsonga)
  2. First Additional Language (Afrikaans, English, IsiNdebele, IsiXhosa, IsiZulu, Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, Siswati, Tshivenda, Xitsonga)
  3. Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy

And 3 elective subjects:

  • Accounting
  • Agricultural Management Practices
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Agricultural Technology
  • Business Studies
  • Civil Technology
  • Computer Applications Technology
  • Consumer Studies
  • Dance Studies
  • Dramatic Arts
  • Economics
  • Electrical Technology
  • Engineering Graphics and Design
  • Geography
  • History
  • Hospitality Studies
  • Information Technology
  • Life Sciences
  • Mechanical Technology
  • Music
  • Physical Sciences
  • Religion studies
  • Tourism
  • Visual Arts

How To Calculate APS Score

Here is what you need to know about APS calculations:

  1. The actual marks in each subject that you get range from 0 to 100 %
  2. Each mark is given a point score that ranges from 1 to 7, with 7 being the highest and 1 being the lowest. For example, if your mark in Mathematics is 45% the point score allocated to that mark is 3
  3. To get your total point score, you add the APS of six or five of your best subjects

The table below is the APS calculator:

Matric Subject Symbol / Mark Obtained in Matric exam APS (Admission Point Score)
A  (80 – 100%) 7
B  (70 – 79%) 6
C  (60 – 69%) 5
D  (50 – 59%) 4
E  (40 – 49%) 3
F  (30 – 39%) 2
G  (0 – 29%) 1


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How to Improve Your APS Score?

  • Strategic Subject Selection:

Choose subjects aligned with your career goals and strengths. Opt for subjects you excel in, as higher grades will contribute to a better APS score

  • Dedicated Preparation:

Prepare thoroughly for your Grade 12 exams. Seek additional support if needed, such as tutoring or study groups, to improve your understanding of challenging subjects.

  • Practice Past Papers:

Familiarize yourself with the exam format by practising past papers. This not only boosts your confidence but also helps identify areas for improvement.

focus on your studies, and aim for academic excellence. With a strong score, you are well on your way to a successful higher education journey in South Africa.

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