What Is Civil Engineering And Building Construction?

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What Is Civil Engineering And Building Construction?

What Is Civil Engineering And Building Construction? What are the duties of a civil engineer?

Civil Engineering & Construction deals with designing, building and maintaining the infrastructure we rely on daily: buildings, roads, bridges, water and energy systems, waste networks, and many more. People who work in Civil Engineering and construction need to adapt plans and structures and find solutions to complex problems such as the increase in human population or natural disasters. In order to practice as a civil engineer you will need to know a lot about the properties of construction materials, such as concrete or steel, and how construction machinery functions. With their extensive knowledge, engineers can design structures that meet requirements for cost, safety, reliability, durability and energy efficiency. You will be involved in all stages of a construction project, from the selection of the building site, writing specifications for processes and materials, hiring subcontractors, ensuring safety compliance with building codes, and supervising all phases of construction. Civil engineers rely on computer-aided design (CAD) systems. CAD systems make it easy to modify designs and generate blueprints for construction projects.

Some of the specialisations included in Civil Engineering are Transport Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Geotechnical Engineering. Civil engineering and building construction are two interconnected disciplines that form the backbone of infrastructure development. They play a pivotal role in shaping the world we live in, from the skyscrapers that touch the sky to the roads we travel on.


Civil construction is the creation of infrastructure involving anything to do with water, earth, or transport. It is a branch of Civil Engineering involved with the maintenance, design, and construction of environments such as roads, railways, buildings, water reservoirs, subdivisions, airports, bridges, sewer systems, tunnels, and dams. The civil construction industry consists of the individuals and companies involved in the planning, creation, and designing of our infrastructure. Civil construction truly shapes the world around us, and with the new technology that is increasing productivity, civil construction projects can now be done with a quicker schedule.

Role of Building Construction: What are the duties of a civil engineer?

  • Civil construction are the people in charge of managing construction projects.
  • Among other things, they are responsible for making the design of the project they are assigned.
  • Whether it is a transport project, a water or sewerage system project, or more, they take the lead.
  • Civil Engineers plan, design, and then test the structures before they are ready to be used by the public.
  • Their work starts at designing the architectural drawings, choosing material for the project, and then working on the design.
  • They not only think about the structure but also how the construction of the project will affect its surroundings.
  • They have to be sure they produce an economical, safe, and environmentally stable structure for each of their projects.
  • Civil engineers can choose from many areas of specialization.
  • They can choose the fields of municipal engineering, chief civil engineering, structural engineering, construction engineering, water supply distribution engineering, or even transport engineering.
  • Civil engineers are also required to handle some activities related to site preparation, including excavation, grading large projects, and even earth moving.
  • They also have to evaluate and monitor the projects and are responsible for ensuring the quality of materials and project structures.


Civil engineering is the application of physical and scientific principles for the design, development and maintenance of both the constructed and the naturally built environment. This includes infrastructure such as airports, bridges, buildings, canals, dams, pipelines, power plants, railways, roads, sewage systems, and more.

Types of Civil Engineering

The broad field of civil engineering contains several specialised sub-disciplines, spanning a range of industries and including both practical and theoretical tasks. These are based on a mixture of location and specialisations, starting with general civil engineering:

  • General Civil Engineering
  • Coastal Engineering
  • Construction Engineering
  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Forensic Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Hydraulic Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Urban / Municipal Engineering
  • Water Resources Engineering
  • Civil Engineering Systems

Key Differences Between Civil Engineering And Building Construction

While civil engineering and building construction are closely related, they have distinct differences:

  • Scope:

Civil engineering encompasses a broader range of projects, including roads, bridges, and infrastructure, while building construction focuses specifically on erecting buildings.

  • Design vs. Execution:

Civil engineers are primarily involved in the planning and design phases, whereas building construction professionals execute the physical construction.

  • Skills and Expertise:

Civil engineers require advanced engineering knowledge and expertise, whereas building construction professionals, including contractors and tradespeople, need hands-on skills and experience in construction methods.

Civil engineering and building construction are inseparable components of the construction industry, working hand in hand to create the infrastructure that shapes our world. Both fields are vital for the growth and development of societies, ensuring that structures are not only aesthetically pleasing but also safe, durable, and environmentally responsible. Together, they form the foundation upon which modern civilization stands and their importance in our daily lives cannot be overstated.


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