What Is Electrical Infrastructure Construction?

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What Is Electrical Infrastructure Construction?

What Is Electrical Infrastructure Construction?

Electrical infrastructure construction includes the planning, design, installation, maintenance, and distribution of level equipment such as power transformers, voltage regulators, circuit breakers, switchgear, capacitors, fuses, controllers, arresters, and cables.

This course is suitable for anybody interested in becoming an electrical craftsman. The course prepares students to operate with high-voltage electrical currents. The program includes high current, overhead power lines, and home, civil, and industrial businesses.

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Electrical Infrastructure Construction Courses

The courses are offered at different levels; L2 -L4. The electrical construction courses take up to 3 Years full-time (1 year per level) to complete. Electrical Infrastructure courses are provided below;

Level 2 Vocational subjects

  • Electrical Principles & Practice
  •  Electrical Control & Digital Electronics
  • Workshop Practices
  • Electrical Systems & Construction OR Physical Science

Level 3 Vocational subjects

  • Electrical Principles & Practice
  • Electrical Control & Digital Electronics
  • Electrical Workmanship
  • Electrical Systems & Construction OR Physical Science

Fundamental Subjects

  • Language
  • Life Orientation
  • Mathematics / Mathematical Literacy

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Who Can Study Electrical Infrastructure Construction?

Students who desire to study Electrical construction course must meet the following requirements;

  • A year-end school report for grade 9, 10, 11 or 12 certificate
  • An NQF Level 1 Qualification
  • Grade 9 Certificate with a pass in Mathematics
  • Level 2 – Grade 9 or Level 1
  • Level 3 – Level 2 qualification
  • Level 4 – Level 3 qualification.

Electrical Infrastructure Construction Career Opportunities

Students who successfully complete this course stand the chance of becoming one of the following;

  •  Electrician.
  • Electrical Contractor.
  • Digital Electronics.
  • Electrical Engineering.
  • Industrial Engineering.
  • Instrumentation Process.
  • Electrical Lecturer.
  • Sound Engineer.
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Construction Electrician
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Sound Technology
  • Theatre Technology
  • Process Level Control
  • Digital Electronics
  • Instrumentation

Vocational Opportunities

  • Work at a power station
  • Work as an electrician at an energy-producing company or power plant
  • Be an electrical technician at a telecommunications company
  • Work at a recording studio as an electrical engineer
  • Work at a theatre as a technician

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The program includes heavy current, overhead power lines, as well as home, civil, and industrial businesses. Light current in the form of digital and electrical signals is used in communications, industrial electronics, sound engineering, and instrumentation. This training combines theoretical and academic knowledge with practical skills and values. Hope the provided information is useful. Kindly leave a comment below in the comment section.


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