What is Matric in South Africa

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What is Matric in South Africa

The term Matric in South Africa refers to the last grade in High School which is known as Grade 12, The matriculation grade is highly regarded. This is so that you can enrol in university courses, which require a Matric Certificate, which can only be obtained by passing Matric. Matric is at NQF Level 4. You get awarded a Matric Certificate once you pass Matric. In the past, the South African matric qualification was under the control of the heads of universities and the purpose of the matric was to set a standard according to which a person could be admitted into the university. read more on this topic below;

What Level Is Matric In South Africa?

  • Level 4 of the NQF is Matric. After passing Matric, you are given a certificate. A qualification is recognised in South Africa once it has been recorded on the NQF system. Your Matriculation Certificate can be used to advance your studies or obtain employment.


How Are Matriculation Final Marks Determined?

Your Matricula final scores are determined by the following criteria:

  • School-based assessments
  • Final examination

READ ALSO; What NQF level is Matric?

How Many Subjects Are Required for Matric

There must be both required and optional subjects among the seven subjects. A list of the required subjects is provided below. You must select four of the following subjects: Matric has numerous subjects. You must, however, take seven (7) different classes. You have to pick one of the following four topics:

Home Language subject

  • English First Additional Language subject
  • Life Orientation subject
  • Mathematical subject

These are the Mandatory subjects

  • English Home Language
  • English First Additional Language
  • Afrikaans Huistaal
  • Afrikaans Eerste Additionele Taal
  • Sesotho Home Language
  • Siswati Home Language
  • Setswana Home Language
  • isiZulu Home Language
  • isiXhosa Home Language
  • isiNdebele Home Language
  • Sepedi Home Language
  • Xitsonga Home Language
  • Tshivenda Home Language
  • Life Orientation
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical Literacy

Also, there are elective subjects. There is no restriction on the subjects you can study, as long as you choose three (3):

  • Economics
  • Physical Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Business Studies
  • Accounting
  • History
  • Geography
  • Religious Studies

The seven (7) subjects you need to study for Matric include four (4) obligatory subjects and three (3) elective subjects. Please be aware that there are several phases and elective courses offered by each institution. For instance, you must select maths as one of your subjects if you decide to major in science.


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