What Is Symbol D Matric Results

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What Is Symbol D Matric Results

matric certificate, What Is Symbol D Matric Results

In South Africa, matric pass levels are represented by symbols that ultimately direct students to various stages of higher education. Do you actually understand what the pass sign implies when you look at that result statement? It’s key to understand that each matric sign gives you a temporary admission. Each course and every school may have its own criteria depending on what you want to study. Be at ease; we are here to assist. Learn what the matric pass symbols on your matric certificate Means by reading on.

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What Is Symbol “D” In Matric Results?

Symbol “D” in Matric results implies that you will have gain between 50 – 59%. The table below shows the full list of the Matric APS and symbols:

Matric Symbols  Percentage of marks received  Type of Achievement  APS Points
A 80-100% (Distinction) Outstanding Achievement 7 points
B 70-79% Meritorious Achievement 6 points
C 60-69% Substantial Achievement 5 points
D 50-59% Adequate Achievement  4 points 
E 40-49% Moderate Achievement 3 points
F 30-39% Elementary Achievement 2 points
G 0-29% Not achieved Achievement 1 point

The Matric Pass Levels 

each level of the program has its pass level and a breakdown of these programs has been specified below;

Pass Level Requirements
Bachelor’s Degree pass
  • 40% or above for your Home Language subject
  • 50% or above for four subjects
  • 30% or above for two other subjects
Diploma pass
  • 40% or above for your Home Language subject
  • 40% or above for four other subjects
  • 30% or above for two other subjects
Higher Certificate pass
  • 40% or above for your Home Language subject
  • 40% or above for two other subjects
  • 30% or above for four other subjects
NSC pass/Matric pass
  • 40% or above for your Home Language subject
  • 40% or above for two other subjects
  • 30% or above for three other subjects
  • You can fail one subject


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Where Can I Get My Matric Results? 

The matric results will be released soon. You can access them in the following ways:

  • Cellphone: Use the USSD code *120*35658#. Follow the steps provided, enter your ID number and get your results per subject.
  • News Websites: News websites will update their pages with matric results on the day of release.  
  • From Your School: Your school will be able to provide you with your final results.
  • Online: Visit education.gov.za and click on the link for the 2024 NSC exam results.

You can choose what to do next now that you are aware of the meaning of the matric symbols.

You can always raise your grade through supplemental examinations, matric upgrades, or adult matric if you don’t receive the pass you want.

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