What Percentage Is C in Matric

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What Percentage Is C in Matric

How many percent is level 5, What Percentage Is C in Matric

There are many people who think that passing matric requires just 30% of students. However, it is possible to graduate from high school without receiving a grade of at least 50% in every subject. Thereafter, the C symbol on your matric result signifies you got 60-69 per cent of your result which approximately equals 5 on your admission point score. A student is considered to have failed if they are unable to complete the National Senior Certificate requirements.  Each of these NSCs has particular specifications that add up to an APS. An individual sort of matric pass is given based on the student’s final APS score and required topics. In addition, some subjects have a minimum APS score requirement for a particular pass level.

What Symbols Indicate Matric Percentage

The results of your Matric final test are represented by symbols. These symbols are organised into alphabetical categories. The highest and lowest symbols are A and G respectively. The table below explains what each sign means.

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Matric Subject Symbol / Marks received in the final examination

APS (Admission Point Score)

A  (80 – 100%)


B  (70 – 79%)


C  (60 – 69%)


D  (50 – 59%)


E  (40 – 49%)


F  (30 – 39%)


G  (0 – 29%)



How To Calculate Your APS

You can calculate your APS Score in the following way:

Matric Symbols  Percentage of marks received  Type of Achievement  APS Points
A 80-100% (Distinction) Outstanding Achievement 7 points
B 70-79% Meritorious Achievement 6 points
C 60-69% Substantial Achievement 5 points
D 50-59% Adequate Achievement 4 points
E 40-49% Moderate Achievement 3 points
F 30-39% Elementary Achievement 2 points
G 0-29% Not achieved Achievement 1 point


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What are the Different Pass Levels for Matric? 

There are 4 Different Matric Pass Levels:

  • National Senior Certificate (NSC)
  • Higher Certificate (HS)
  • Diploma (D)
  • Bachelor’s Degree (also known as an Exemption) (B)

What Are High Credit Subjects

High-credit subjects are those that have a high rating when you apply to university. These subjects are used to calculate your Admission Point Score (APS) at university. Admission Point Score is a method used by universities to see if you qualify to study at their institutions.

Some subjects are not included when calculating your APS because they are not High Credit subjects. For example, Life Orientation is not included at some universities. Below is a list of the High Credit subjects:

Language subjects:

  • IsiZulu
  • Sesotho
  • Setswana
  • Siswati
  • Tshivenda
  • English
  • Xitsonga
  • Afrikaans
  • IsiNdebele
  • IsiXhosa
  • Sepedi


  • Agricultural Science
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics Literacy
  • Music
  • Business Studies
  • Consumer Studies
  • Dramatic Arts
  • Visual Arts
  • Economics
  • Engineering graphics and design
  • Geography
  • History
  • Information Technology
  • Life Sciences
  • Accounting
  • Physical Sciences
  • Religion Studies

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