Tvet Colleges Online Application online application status online application status online application status

Have you applied to Lovedale Tvet College for the 2024 academic year and want to know your application status? Or do you want to know the status of your application at Lovedale Tvet College for the 2024 academic? Applying to College is not difficult but following up or tracking to know the status of your application is not easy don’t worry as Lovedale has created its application status checker system to be very easy to access and friendly to its users. The status checker service was created by the school to provide updates on your application status.

Therefore if you have applied to Lovedale Tvet College in the 2024 academic year and wondering how to track or monitor your application status, join us as we go through the online application status process together.

Requirements For Checking Your Application Status;

Belopw are the requirements needed by applicants to be able to check their application status at Lovedale Tvet College;

  • Applicant must have student Name
  • Applicants must have student Number
  • Applicants must have an email address
  • Applicants must provide a telephone Number

How To Check Your Online Application Status At Lovedale Tvet College 2024;

Applicants must follow these steps to track their application status at Lovedale Tvet College;

  • Applicants should visit the official website of the school>>>>
  • Application should locate the check application status in the menu tab.
  • Applicants should enter their application login details ( username and password).
  • Applicants should submit after entering their application login details.

Lovedale Tvet College Courses;

The school offers a variety of programmes and courses on their specific campuses both in the National Certificate Vocational and Report 191. Listed are the courses offered by the school

Business Studies

  • National Diploma: Public Management (N4 – N6)
  • National N-Diploma: Financial Management (N4 – N6)
  • National N-Diploma: Human Resources Management (N4 – N6) – Part-Time
  • National Diploma: Business Management (N4 -N6)
  • National N-Diploma: Management Assistant (N4 – N6)
  • NC(V): Management (L2 – L4)
  • NC(V): Office Administration (L2 – L4)
  • NC(V): Finance, Economics & Accounting (L2 – L4)
  • NC(V): Information Technology & Computer Science (L2 – L4)


  • Engineering Foundational Programme
  • NC(V): Civil Engineering & Building Construction (L2 – L4)
  • NC(V): Engineering & Related Design (L2 – L4)
  • NC(V): Electrical Infrastructure Construction (L2 – L4)
  • Carpentry & Roofing (N1 – N3)
  • Electrical (N1 – N3)
  • Plumbing (N1 – N3)
  • Masonry / Bricklaying (N1 – N3)
  • Water & Sanitation (N1 – N3)
  • Motor Body Repair (N1 – N3)
  • Motor Mechanic (N1 – N3)
  • Welding (N1 – N3)
Agriculture & Arts
  • National N-Diploma: Art & Design (N4 – N6)
  • National N-Diploma: Farming Management (N4 – N6)
  • NC(V): Primary Agriculture (L2 – L4)

Lovedale Tvet College Contact Details;

For additional information or support, get in touch with the school by calling one of the lines below or visiting their official website.


  • Phone: 0872382223
  • Fax: 0436421388
  • Email:
  • Physical Address: 1 Amatola Row
  • Town: King Williams Town
  • Postal Address: P.O.Box 2156
  • Code: 5600.

Congratulations, as you can now track the status of your application at Lovedale Tvet College for the 2024 academic year without any challenges, please leave your comments below. Thank You.


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