Can I Write My Matric Online

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Can I Write My Matric Online

Distance study Matric is another name for online Matric. Distance learning and online learning are both forms of education. Online education is actually a form of distance education. In the end, both study strategies enable pupils to do their academic work at home. This implies that you won’t have to go to any physical education lessons. Online registration is available for the Adult Matric exams. Registering with the Department of Education to take your tests is free. If you are in-person or online, your school will register you for the Matric exams if you are preparing for them.

How Matric Online Classes Are Done

These are the digital resources that help in matric online study:

  • Email

You will submit your assignments for our matric-equivalent courses using the ICB Portal or ICB Macci online. To achieve this, you will employ an email address.

  • WhatsApp

You can join our WhatsApp groups to learn with other students and apply for our online matric courses. The following is how we help students get ready for their exams:

  1. they will post the various past papers on our WhatsApp group
  2. Then we will allow our students to have discussions with one another
  3. We will give our students 48 hours before we send the memo and then post the next paper

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  • Online tutor contact form

If you need any assistance with your assignments or understanding certain concepts, we have tutors who can help you. You can complete a form online that allows you to choose an online option of being contacted:

  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Whatsapp

 Online Matric Programs

At Matric College, we have three online Matric Courses. These courses are:

  • Online Adult Matric
  • Online Matric Upgrade
  • Online Matric Equivalent Courses

Can I Write My Matric Online Without My ID

You can complete the Online Matric without a valid ID. The following are the required documentation for online Matric applications:

  • South African Nationals
  • Non-South African Nationals

South African Nationals

An individual born in South Africa:

  • A certified copy of your ID or
  • A certified copy of your birth certificate

You must give evidence of your test number if you are a student who has already taken the final Matric exam.

  • The completed registration form

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Non-South African Citizen

An individual who was not born in South Africa:

  • A certified copy of your passport
  • Proof of your highest qualification
  • Proof of a study permit or proof of work permit

the option to write your Matric online opens doors to flexible and accessible education. Embracing online learning not only provides convenience but also empowers individuals to pursue their academic goals at their own pace



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