Matric questions

Does Nsfas Fund Safety In Society

Does Nsfas Fund Safety In Society

Does Nsfas Fund Safety In Society; Courses Not Funded By NSFAS

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme is known for offering financial aid to South African students pursuing higher education. Although NSFAS’s main goal is to make sure that interesting students have access to high-quality education, one can wonder if it also aids in improving Safety In Society.

The ability of education to transform individuals and entire societies is well acknowledged. NSFAS indirectly supports numerous facets of societal safety by assisting people in their pursuit of higher education.

What is NSFAS?

NSFAS is a government entity under the Department of Higher Education and Training established according to the NSFAS Act (Act 56 of 1999) to provide financial support to disadvantaged students who wish to further their studies at public universities or TVET colleges.

What is covered by the bursary?

The amounts listed for housing, a living allowance, transportation, and educational materials must comply with the most recent DHET criteria that have been authorized.


  • Accommodation in an urban area is R24,000 per annum
  • Accommodation in a peri-urban area is R18,900 per annum
  • Accommodation in a rural area is R15,750 per annum
  • Transport (up to 40 km from the institution) R7,350  per annum
  • Transport R7000 per annum
  • Incidental/personal care allowance R2900 per annum


  • Accommodation
As per the actual costs charged by the university (costs for private accommodation must not exceed costs for university residence)
  • Transport (up to 40 km from the institution) R7 500  per annum
  • Living allowance R15, 000  per annum
  • Book allowances R5200 per annum
  • Incidental/personal care allowance of R2900 per annum for students in catered residences

Who qualifies for NSFAS funding?

  • All South African citizens
  • All SASSA grant recipients qualify for funding
  • Applicants whose combined household income is not more than R350 000 per annum
  • A person with disability: Combined household income must not be more than R600 000 per annum
  • Students who started studying before 2018 and whose household income is not more than R122 000 per annum.

Courses/Programs funded by Nsfas

NSFAS funds Ministerial programs and students must refer to each college, however, the generally funded programs are below:

  • Engineering Studies – (National Certificate -Vocational) NQF levels 2-4 & Engineering studies – Report 191 N1-N6
  • Engineering and Related Design; Electrical Infrastructure; Civil Engineering Construction and Information Technology & Computer Science
  • Business & Utility Studies (National Certificate – Vocational) NQF levels 2-4 & Report 191 N1-N6
  • Management; Marketing; Finance; Office Administration; Economics & Accounting; Education & Development; Hospitality; Tourism; Safety in Society and Transport & Logistics
  • Pre-Learning Programme (PLP) funding through NSFAS

How to apply for NSFAS

  • National Certificate Vocation (NC(v)),
  • Semester 1 and Trimester 1 – Annual – online application and walk-in assistive capture application at the beginning of each year
  • Trimester 2 & 3 as per the DHET calendar, in May and September respectively, as Walk-in assistive capture application
  • Semester 2 June – July walk-in, assistive capture application

Where to apply for TVET College funding?
You can apply through:

  • TVET college bursary offices
  • Online
  • NSFAS head office

Hope this information was helpful, so if you have any questions kindly leave your comment in the section below or visit the official website.



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