How Many Months Is Matric

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How Many Months Is Matric

What level is Matric in SA,

Matric often referred to as the 10th-grade board examination, It serves as a foundation for further academic pursuits and career choices. However, The shortest period during which you can complete your Matric course is 12 months. Students who complete Grade 12 of high school in South Africa are awarded a National Senior Certificate (NSC), also known as a Matric. In 3 to 5 years, a National Senior Certificate must be completed. In this blog, we will explore the typical duration of this program and factors that may be more.

In South Africa, how Long Does Matric last

The Standard Duration:

  •  typically spans a duration of one academic year, which comprises approximately 12 months. This year is designed to provide students with a comprehensive education in various subjects and prepare them for the final board examination.
  • A National Senior Certificate (NSC), usually known as a Matric, is a South African qualification given to students who graduate Grade 12 of high school. A National Senior Certificate must be completed in 3 to 5 years.

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Matric Entry Requirements

Here are the entry requirements:

  • Have a Grade 9 or GETC: ABET Level 4 Certificate
  • Be at least 21 or older. You can apply at the age of just 19 years old, but you have to turn 21 when you write the final exam
  • Understand, read and write English or Afrikaans
  • Study through distance learning

Can You Do Matric In Just 3 Months

Yes, it done in 3 months. Here are the conditions:

  • You must already have completed Matric:
    1. Failed Matric
    2. Incomplete Matric
    3. Passed Matric
    4. Statement of Matric results

If you have any of the above-mentioned documents, you can apply for Upgrade Course. This course allows you to improve your marks and change your subjects. Here are the entry requirements:

  •  provide the above-mentioned documents
  • Understand, read and write English
  • Study through distance learning

READ ALSO; What level is Grade 11?

Matric Programs 

Here are the subjects that you can choose to study:

  1. English Home Language
  2. English First Additional Language
  3. Afrikaans Huistaal
  4. Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal
  5. isiZulu Home Language
  6. isiXhosa Home Language

isiNdebele Home Language

  1. Sepedi Home Language
  2. Xitsonga Home Language
  3. Tshivenda Home Language
  4. Sesotho Home Language
  5. Siswati Home Language
  6. Setswana Home Language
  7. Mathematics/ Wiskunde
  8. Mathematical Literacy

Optional Subjects

  1. Physical Sciences
  2. Life Sciences
  3. Agricultural Sciences
  4. Business Studies
  5. Economics
  6. Accounting
  7. History
  8. Geography
  9. Religious Studies

the duration of THE PROGRAM can vary depending on several factors, including the educational system, curriculum, examination schedule, extracurricular activities, student progress, and holidays. While it typically spans one academic year of approximately 9 to 12 months, it’s essential to consider these factors to determine the specific duration in your region or institution.

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