How Much Do TVET Courses Cost?

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How much do TVET courses cost?

How much do TVET courses cost?

In general, TVET courses cost less than ordinary university degrees. They offer a reasonably priced option for people who want to enter the workforce quickly and successfully. Many TVET colleges now provide various payment alternatives in an effort to make education accessible to a wider range of students.

Who is qualified to enroll in a TVET college?

Students who have successfully completed Grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 in high school are admitted to TVET Colleges, which are a part of the higher education system. For more hands-on learning, university postgrads can enroll in TVET College courses. Being required to do experiential training (internships and apprenticeships) as part of the curriculum is one of the main benefits of attending a TVET college. This helps you build experience for your resume.

Is TVET College a good idea?

In addition to being affordable and accessible, TVET colleges assist students in gaining practical experience. In South Africa, there are approximately 200 campuses of 50 Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges, each with its unique focus areas and specializations.

How Much Do Tvet Courses Cost

The costs of attending a public TVET institution are moderate enough to make education there accessible. 80% of the delivery expenses are covered by the Department of Higher Education and Training, and students can use the NSFAS program to apply for loans and bursaries to assist them in paying their tuition.

The following courses and their associated fees, which cover both tuition and textbooks:

National Certificate (Vocational) Course Fees


  • Civil Engineering Construction
    R14 805
  • Electrical Infrastructure Construction
    R14 609
  • Engineering and Related Design
    R19 113
  • Finance, Economics, and Accounting
    R10 549
  • Management
    R11 041
  • Office Administration
    R9 431
  • Information Technology & Computer Science
    R14 445
  • Hospitality
    R17 925
  • Primary Agriculture
    R25 301
  • Tourism
    R13 697

Nated (Report 191) course fees


  • Engineering N1/N2/N3
    R5 821
  • Engineering N4/N5/N6
    R6 791
  • Business Management N4/N5/N6
    R5 750
  • Management Assistant N4/N5/N6
    R5 750
  • Financial Management N4/N5/N60
    R5 750
  • Hospitality and Catering Services N4/N5/N6
    R12 973
  • Tourism N4/N5/N6
    R12 641
  • Farming Management N4/N5/N6
    R9 314

Note: Cost per course is subject to change by the administration of a particular college.

Hope this information was helpful, so if you have any questions kindly leave your comment in the section below.


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