Matric questions

Is 75 a Distinction In Matric

Is 75 a Distinction In Matric

Matriculation results hold importance for students as they determine eligibility for further education and career opportunities. Students receiving their Matric results often look for distinctions as a measure of their academic achievement. But is 75 considered a distinction in Matric? well, Further details have been provided here to delve into the grading system in Matric and clarify what constitutes a distinction.

What Does Distinction Mean in the Results of the Matric

You did well if you received a distinction pass on your Matriculation exam. Both one or more subjects may be covered by this. Distinctions are given for grades of 80% or higher. These grades are impressive and can help you enrol in any study at a university.

How Are Distinctions Obtained

Being dedicated to your academic effort will earn you distinctions. This requires putting in extra effort on your schoolwork. If a typical student gets a 60% grade, it’s critical to get a higher grade if you want to be great. In this instance, a passing grade with distinction is 80% or higher.

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How To Get a Bachelor’s In Matric

You get a Bachelor’s Degree Pass in Matric by obtaining the following marks or higher:

  • A minimum of 40% in your home language
  • A minimum of 50% in four subjects
  • A minimum of 30% in two other subjects


How are matric Final Marks Determined

The following factors are used to compute the matric final results:

  • School-based assessments
  • Final exam

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How Many Points Is A Distinction

A single subject is distinguished by seven (7) points. You can see in the table below how seven (7) points constitute a distinction pass:

Percentage of marks received

Type of Achievement

APS Points

80-100% (Distinction)

Outstanding Achievement

7 points


Meritorious Achievement

6 points


Substantial Achievement

5 points


Adequate Achievement

4 points


Moderate Achievement

3 points


Elementary Achievement

2 points


Not achieved

1 point


In the Matric grading system in South Africa, a score of 75 is not considered a distinction. Distinctions are generally associated with scores in the “A” range, which signifies a level of achievement typically above 80. Students should be proud of their accomplishments and use their Matric results as a foundation for their future educational and career aspirations



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