Tourism Subjects

Tourism Subjects

This program seeks to provide students with the information and skills they need for a career in tourism with a concentration on the travel sector. This guarantees that students are adequately equipped to enter the workforce as employees in the tourism sector. Following the completion of the 18-month theoretical component, students must complete an additional 18-month practical component by working in the tourist sector.

When people travel and stay in locations outside than their hometowns or regular environments, this practice is referred to as tourism. Hotels, resorts, game reserves, cruise ships, and lodges are examples of tourism-related enterprises. All of these places provide a quiet and fun work atmosphere.

Among the responsibilities and activities are managing a tourism company’s operations, creating visitor or tourist information, giving aid and information to travelers on an airplane, bus, or ship, acting as a tour guide or driving tourists, and creating promotional materials and displays.

Why choose tourism

To travel the world is one of the main motivations for choosing a career in tourism, and if you pick the correct position, you can! There are many professions that allow for travel, allowing you to work from one area while you’re elsewhere or even travel frequently as part of your job.

What does tourism N4 entail?

TVET College offers a tourism management (N4-N6) program. Following the completion of the 18-month theoretical component, students must complete an additional 18-month practical component by working in the tourist sector. This program seeks to provide students with the information and skills they need for a career in tourism with a concentration on the travel sector.

Is matric required for tourism?

You can still apply for the National Certificate (Vocational) Tourism course if you don’t have matriculation if you have at least Grade 9 and have passed English as one of your school subjects.

Admission Requirement for Tourism Subjects

  • A tourism NC(V) L4 Certificate; or an
  • Equivalent NQF Level 4 occupational qualification; or an
  • APS score of 24, using double the English the three (3) next best subjects of NSC/ NC(V) L4.


Six (6) months per level



  • Travel Office Procedures
  • Travel Service
  • Tourism Communications
  • Tourism Destinations


  • Travel Office Procedures
  • Travel Service
  • Tourism Communications
  • Tourism Destinations
  • DTT: Fares within Africa


  • Travel Office Procedures
  • Travel Service
  • Hotel Reception
  • Tourism Destinations
  • Galileo (Optional)


A career in Tourism is demanding and requires people with good communication skills, being able to be a team member and time management skills.


Students will be employable in the various sectors of the Travel and Tourism industry in a junior position.

  • Accommodation Management;
  • Conference and Events Planning;
  • Restaurant and Food Services;
  • Tourism Development;
  • Transportation Management (Airline Ground Crew, Car Rental Agents, Reservation Agents at Inter-City Coach companies);
  • Travel Counselling;
  • Game Ranging and Safari Work.
  • Foreign Exchange Agents

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