What Is The Lowest Degree In Matric

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What Is The Lowest Degree In Matric

SA Lowest Degree In Matric; What Is The Lowest Degree In Matric

The Matric exam, also referred to as Matric, is extremely vital to the South African school system. This key evaluation acts as a doorway for students, establishing their suitability for continued study and influencing their possibilities for a future profession. there is a certain certification that serves as the minimal standard of performance needed to pass the Matric exam and receive a Matric certificate. We explore the idea of the lowest Matric grade in South Africa in this piece of writing.

Bachelor’s Degree Pass

This represents the highest point of Matric passes. You can enrol in a university to pursue a bachelor’s degree if you have this pass. You must pass the following tests in order to be eligible for a bachelor’s degree:

Obtain 40% in your Home Language subject Obtain 40% in your Home Language subject
Obtain 50% in four other Higher Credit subjects Obtain 50% in four other Higher Credit subjects
Obtain 30% in one other subject Obtain 30% in two other subjects
APS – 21 APS – 23


What APS Scores Do I Need to Pass Matric

Here are the APS minimum scores that you need to pass Matric:

Bachelor’s Degree Pass

Here are the minimum APS scores for the Bachelor’s Degree Pass

  1. An APS score of at least 4 in at least 4 high-credit subjects
  2. An APS score of at least 3 in your home language
  3. An APS score of 2 in any 2 other subjects

READ ALSO; What Is The Hardest Subject in Matric

Explanation Of Matric Grading System

Matric results in South Africa are determined by a grading system that assigns symbols and percentages to different levels of achievement. The key symbols and their associated percentage score ranges include:

  1. A Symbol: This represents an exceptional level of achievement, typically ranging from 80% to 100%. An “A” symbol is often associated with distinctions and signifies high academic excellence.
  2. B Symbol: The “B” symbol denotes a score range between 70% and 79%. While it is not a distinction, it still represents a commendable level of academic performance.
  3. C Symbol: A “C” symbol represents a score range of 60% to 69%. It signifies a satisfactory pass but is not considered a distinction.
  4. D Symbol: The “D” symbol indicates a score range of 50% to 59%, representing a pass but with room for improvement.
  5. E Symbol: An “E” symbol reflects a score range of 40% to 49%, signifying a marginal pass with a significant need for improvement.
  6. F Symbol: The “F” symbol denotes a score range of 30% to 39%, indicating a fail but with the opportunity to rewrite the exam.
  7. U Symbol: The “U” symbol represents an ungraded result, often due to non-submission, irregularities during the examination, or other reasons.

The lowest degree in Matric is not represented by a specific symbol but rather by the National Senior Certificate (NSC). It signifies that a student has met the minimum requirements for Matriculation, enabling them to pursue various educational and career opportunities. While higher symbols like “A” and “B” may be associated with distinctions and greater academic excellence

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