What should I study If I Fail Matric

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What should I study If I Fail Matric

What happens if you don’t have matric, What should I study If I Fail Matric

Entering the educational process is an essential phase in achieving one’s goals and desires. The road to success, however, is not always easy to take and many people encounter difficulties along the way. Failure on the Matric exam may be one of these challenges. If you have experienced this setback, you may be doubting your future prospects and wondering, “Can you study if you failed Matric?” You can read the response to this query below to help ypu;

What To Read If You Fail  Matric

There is still hope if your matric is unsuccessful. Never give up. You can still be successful. There are further alternatives available to you. If you don’t pass your matriculation, you have the following options:

  • Matric Rewrite
  • Matric Upgrade
  • ICB Courses
  • Short Courses

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Matric Rewrite

If you get a failing grade on your Matric, you can retake it. In order to meet Matric requirements, you can rewrite your matric utilising the Matric Rewrite program. With the aid of this programme, you can increase your topic marks if necessary. For instance, in order to enrol in the course of your choice, you must receive a higher pass mark.

Matric Rewrite Entry Requirements

You must satisfy the following conditions in order to retake your matric:

  • Incomplete Matric or Matric
  • Be under the age of 21

Matric Upgrade

You can choose to upgrade if your Matriculation test result was unsuccessful. Upgrading your matric may require one or more of the following:

  • Want to move a failed subject/s to a passed subject/s
  • Want to improve your marks in your subject/s
  • Change subjects
  • Add subjects

Matric Upgrade Entry Requirements

You will qualify to upgrade your Matric if you meet the following requirements:

  • Incomplete Matric or Matric
  • Be above the age of 21
  • Be able to study through distance learning

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How much does it cost to rewrite the matric?

It costs nothing to register for the Matric Rewrite or Matric Upgrade with the Department of Basic Education (DBE). Studying won’t be free for your Matric Rewrite or Matric Upgrade.

You will be required to pay for your textbooks, stationery, and tuition at the school where you are studying in order to take the Matric Rewrite or Matric Upgrade.

How long does it take to rewrite the matric?

It will take at least three months to complete a Matric Rewrite. The Matric Rewrite registration deadline is in early February of each year. Exams are administered in May/June and October/November of every year.

How long should a Matric student spend studying?

At least six hours of study time each day is required of Matric students. You can complete the majority of your schoolwork by studying hard. As a result of your thorough preparation, you won’t feel anxious when it comes time to write tests, assignments, or exams.


If you find yourself grappling with the question, “Can you study if you failed Matric?” remember that the answer is a resounding yes. Your future is not limited by a single setback; instead, it is shaped by your determination, resilience, and willingness to explore alternative paths.

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